DarcMatter, alternative investments for the masses

DarcMatter is a global platform that provides investors worldwide the capability of accessing alternative fund asset class. This is achieved by the integration of a blockchain-based ledger developed by DarcMatter. With this award-winning and widely trusted platform, independent or institutional investors will be able to bypass international constraints to reach for the piece of the pie formerly reserved for wealthier men.
Liquid alternative assets have grown by 335% since 2007.

So what is alternative investments and what makes it so desirable?
Basically, we have tradition investments which include: stocks, bonds, and cash. So whatever investments which don’t fall into these categories are alternative investments.
Alternative Investments vs Traditional Investment

This kind of investments generally isn’t affected by the stock market, that means they provide additional diversification and help lower volatility. Alternative investments can also be more beneficial in term of tax compared to traditional investments.

However, alternative investments are more complicated than their traditional counterpart. Not only the associated fees are higher, the majority of alternative investments are illiquid, which means they are hard-to-price.

That’s where DarcMatter comes in. DarcMatter was created in 2014 with a talented supporting team who understand the current alternative investments problem and investment industry as a whole. It looks to provide a global platform for the growing investment industry and has achieved lots of success so far. DarcMatter is currently a fully functional platform which operates worldwide and has over 1300 investors. It is also known as the best Fintech platform in many countries in the world.

DarcMatter has lots of advantages to contribute to the investment industry such as the ability to link P2P (person to person) payment and enterprise solutions between banks. This helps to connect demands worldwide and pushing the development of the growing industry. DarcMatter also utilizing NEM blockchain technology, which fulfills the transparency and security requirement of the investment world.
DarcMatter with an ambition to change the investment industry

DarcMatter is currently in public pre-sale phase and it’s being received very well. With its success, we can expect another explosion in the investment industry, more specifically, alternative investments.

You can find out more about DarcMatter here:
DarcMatter official website: https://dmc.darcmatter.com/
DarcMatter Telegram: https://t.me/DarcMatter
DarcMatter Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/darcmatterHQ
DarcMatter Twitter: https://twitter.com/DM_Coin
DarcMatter Medium blog: https://medium.com/@DarcMatter
DarcMatter slack: https://join.slack.com/t/darcmatterus/shared_invite/enQtMzA5NDI1NzY2Nzg5LTE2NDFiMjYxOTE2MGMyYjA5YjAxZj

Thank you for reading!
  • bitcointalk name: coinexchange2011
  • bitcointalk URL link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1344206
  • ICO QUICKIE youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWGal6N9XC31IWsV09T6rCg


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