TALAO ICO REVIEW and in-depth look by Coinexchange2011

Greeting, the beautiful people of the internet. I’m Alex Ninh aka Coinexchange 2011 and today I‘ll be talking about a very promising ICO project name Talao.

What is TALAO?

Talao is expected to be an ecosystem for 100 million people freelancing today and within a decade that number is expected to grow to 500 million. This revolution we are witnessing is a dual revolution it is, of course, a technological revolution with blockchain technology, but it’s also societal revolution because it’s going to change deeply the way people can communicate and cooperate.
So what we looking at,is the working industry is accelerating toward a work and demand model and this is due to three market forces.

What is the current situation?

On one side, we can see that freelance people talents are looking for more and more freedom as they want to choose their dream jobs and increase their revenue streams as well as controlling the data. It’s true for younger generations but also for active retirees who are willing to transfer that knowledge and to keep in touch with their communities.
On the other side, you have companies mainly blue chips, for example when Paul Heyman Co coming from Google was appointed as CTO of Airbus he has to face many challenges he has to evolve in a complex environment. He had to manage a very innovating project about autonomous flying taxi. In order to do so, he had to hire people with a particular set of skills and he had to find them in the automotive industry. He had no choice but hiring freelancers who have the skills in sensors or associated software. Blue chips were leaning forward the approach where top talents are available when needed because they need to be operating in a more flexible way while at the same time. reduce fixed cost. Finally, we have the blockchain revolution which is to me at least as important as the Internet in the 90s. This is because blockchain revolution is about the decentralization. It means that we eliminate the middleman and we allow peer-to-peer relationships between users and we allow users to own their data either personal or professional. This means the public blockchain is going to disrupt the way human can cooperate in the future. Talao shares this vision and believes in the tremendous opportunities in the market with the growth of independent worker and blue chips going agile. This together with the blockchain technology, enabling the decentralized Internet and all of these market forces are coming together, all at once.
The fact remains, this is a booming industry which is currently dominated by the US platforms. Currently, there are 100 million people who are freelancing, this is the main train of the future of work but there is only 20 percent of those people working through online platforms because most of the freelancers ain’t believe in the current online system. But within a decade, Talao expects that 50 percent of the active workforce, will be freelancing. Talao also believes that there are a huge potential market and the Talao’s surveys explains that this market is estimated to be 1500 billion dollars within ten years.
So why are most of the current freelancers ain't interested in utilizing the online platform?
There are several factors.
First of all, when freelancers use a light staffing platform, they do not own their professional reputation. That’s why best talents do not choose the online platforms. Based on recent surveys, freelancers lose 10 to 20 percent of our of their revenues to those platforms because they take high fees on each engagement. To independent workers, this is a huge loss. Furthermore, the relationship between top talents and the customer is unbalanced. This is mainly because, when it comes to managing conflicts of dispute, decentralized platform are more customer-oriented, so independent workers are normally at a disadvantage.
On the business side, when the business wants to work with freelancers, there is a real risk that the information provided regarding their skills are falsified. There is a recent survey in the U.S stating that there are more than 50% of resumes or job applications contain falsifications, either degrees or references. This is the reason why, when you are a company looking to hire freelancers, they want to ensure that those freelancers have the right skills for the works.

What TALAO is offering?

The platform Talao is building and its ambition is to reboot this industry. Talao means talent autonomous organization. This is in fact, a decentralized marketplace based on blockchain technology that looking to help businesses to connect with the best talents in the world in major industries.
Talao approach is fully talent centric because Talao believed that by attracting the best talent, it will attract the most important customers. So with Talao, talent can share the credentials, through which they can access a huge panel of companies looking for their skills and their experiences. They can regulate their data and create online proposals and contracts as well as receiving payments. By eliminating the middleman, Talao is proposing a service without commission and promoting users to gain control of their data.


All the TALAO goals and promises will be made possible because of the Talao tokens.
Taolao is entrusted to be in a suitable financial condition to achieve its milestones. That’s why TALAO’s token sales is organized in two rounds. The 1st round will aim at positioning Talao as a world leader in ten major industries and round 2 is to make Talao to the top three. The ICO we are talking about is currently in progress. It runs a hard cap of 20 million dollars, soft cap 5 million dollars and the total suppliy is150 million tokens, only 100 million tokens are for sales.
Talao is also compliant with a French regulator which is called the IMF so its also compliant with the best practices in terms of transparency and security.
TALAO is also ERC 20 compliant and has three types of usage.
Firstly it is the key to participate in communities. Tokens are stacked as deposits and this is acts as a security measure to prevent bad behaviors within communities. the TALAO decision-making system is made up of smart contracts providing the ability to raise objection, write proposals, and to vote. The governance of the platform is provided by the talents themselves in a transparent and fair way. Secondly, the Talao token is required for talent to open and manage what TALAO calls a digital vault or a reputation ledger. These “vault” stores skills certificate on the blockchain. For example, once a freelancer has completed a job for his client, this client can issue a certificate assessing his skills and this certificate is stored on the blockchain. The freelancer can decide who can access his digital vault and for how much. Finally, the Talao tokens are required for the client to purchase certain premium services. For example urgent requests ranking, screening services, complicated artificial intelligence algorithm…

TALAO and the team

Talao is not a new company, it was created three years ago. Talao is currently run as a centralized marketplace. It has 30,000 talents in its database who are working for major industries, mainly aerospace and energy (Airbus, Areva..) with such big companies you can see that TALAO already have a proven model that is working.
The TALAO team consists of three experienced co-founders French entrepreneurs. They have been working together for many years and share the same vision of the decentralized organization. It’s forbidden for shareholders to get dividends so all profits are reinvested within the company to develop to support its future development. The board of the company is composed of members who are appointed by the funders, by the community representative. Within 5 years, that representative will have the majority within the bond so the control of the company shall be passed down to the representative of the community.
TALAO is supported by advisors: Stefane Fouks for the brand building is a CEO of a Hava’s group. François Davy who was the CEO of Adecco. And Fabien Potencier who is very skilled and clever in the management of large communities.

Thoughts on TALAO?

The idea behind Talao is without a doubt, a very tempting one as freelance marketplaces is ripe for disruption of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and Blockchain technology.
The TALAO team have successfully launched and operated traditional centralized freelancing platforms in the past. This show their capabilities and understanding of the industry.
however, the real concern is the team’s lack of experience in Blockchain technology specifically. Since the project selling point is a decentralized and Blockchain based marketplace. It is very important that the team can manage to recruit qualified people with relevant experience who can drive the project forward from a technical perspective.
Personally, I do hope that TALAO success and archive its goal. This would drive the freelance’s marketplace forward to satisfy the business’s needs for a flexible workforce as well as empowering independent workers to pursue their dream jobs.

Find out more about TALAO here:

official Talao Telegram channel: https://t.me/TalaoCommunity
TALAO Twitter account: https://twitter.com/TalaoDAO
TALAO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TalaoDAO/
DISCLAIMER: This post is for informational purposes only and should not serve as financial advice. The author of this post is NOT a financial advisor and it’s YOUR responsibility to do your own research and make your own decision.
If you find this post useful, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee as I really need it to go through all these ICO researches lol. My wallet:
ETH: 0x99dda6cF75749fe8da093dbdA4Dd53f5D14FE799
Thank you for reading!


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